How Do You Get Around College Campus?


Getting into a campus, not only bringing essentials for the campus life, study essential tools and learning about online tools for college students, but navigating a college campus also can be a challenge, especially for students who are new to the environment. The campus may be vast, and it can take time to figure out the quickest and most efficient ways to get from one point to another.

Some students may choose to bring a car to campus, which can be convenient but also comes with its own set of challenges. However, there are several modes of transportation that students can use to get around without a car, from walking to biking to riding public transportation.

In this article, we will explore different ways of getting around a college campus.


Part 1. How to Get Around Campus Without A Car?

College campuses can be bustling with activity, and getting around can be overwhelming for new students. While bringing a car to campus can provide convenience and independence, it may not be feasible or practical for all students.

Fortunately, there are plenty of other ways to get around campus without a car.


1. Ride An Electric Scooter

As a college student, electric scooters for college students are a very good choice whether on or off campus. An electric scooter for college students should be easy to set up and use. The TurboAnt X7 Max Electric Scooter is a top-notch option for college students seeking an electric scooter with practical features.

It has a detachable 10 Ah battery, allowing the X7 Max to travel up to 32 miles on a single charge. Its brushless motor has a powerful 350 W and can reach speeds of up to 20 mph. additionally, the stem battery lock provides extra security, and the scooter can be folded in just 3 seconds, making it easy to store and transport.

Overall, the TurboAnt X7 Max Electric Scooter is a reliable and efficient mode of transportation on campus, providing users with impressive range, speed, and climb capability. Its convenient folding design and stem battery lock make it a top choice among electric scooter enthusiasts.


Ride An Electric Scooter


2. Ride A Bike

Riding a bike is an eco-friendly and affordable option for college students who want to get around campus without a car. A quality bike can be purchased for a reasonable price, and it's an excellent way to get some exercise while commuting. But it may not be practical for all students depending on their physical ability or the distance of their commute.


Ride A Bike


3. Drive A Moped

Driving a moped is a popular option for students who want the convenience of a motor vehicle without the hassle of parking a car. Mopeds are smaller than cars and can maneuver through traffic more easily, allowing for quicker commutes. However, they may not be practical because they can be expensive to purchase and maintain.


Drive A Moped


4. Take A Bus/Train

Taking a bus or train is a common way for students to get around campus and the surrounding area. Many colleges offer discounted or free transit passes, making it an affordable option. Additionally, while public transportation can be a cost-effective option, buses and trains may be crowded and uncomfortable.


Take A Bus/Train


5. Use A Ride-Share Service

Using a rideshare service, such as Uber or Lyft, is a popular choice for students who want a quick and easy way to get around. Rideshare services are available on-demand and can be scheduled in advance, making them a convenient option for those who need to get somewhere quickly. However, while convenient, rideshare services can be expensive, especially during peak hours or in areas with high demand.


Use A Ride-Share Service


6. Join A Student Carpool

Joining a student carpool is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on gas and parking. Many colleges have online forums or social media groups where students can connect and arrange carpooling schedules. It may be practical for some students depending on their schedule and location.


Join A Student Carpool


7. Playing A Skate-Board or Long-Board

Playing a skateboard or longboard can be a fun and efficient way to get around campus. They are lightweight and easy to carry, and many students find them to be a quick and convenient way to navigate between classes. While they are lightweight and easy to carry, they may not be practical depending on their physical ability.


Playing A Skate-Board or Long-Board


8. Walking

Walking is the most eco-friendly option for getting around campus, and it's also a great way to stay active and healthy. Most college campuses are designed for pedestrians, and walking can be a great way to explore your campus and discover new places. While walking is the most eco-friendly choice, it may not be a viable option in inclement weather or at night in some areas.



Part 2. What to Consider When Bringing Your Vehicle to College

If you're considering bringing a vehicle to college, there are a number of factors to consider.

  • Firstly, it's important to note that parking areas on campus are often reserved for college students or faculty members, so you may need a student parking permit to park in these areas.
  • Campus parking lots may also have limited access, meaning you'll need to plan ahead and ensure that you have a parking spot available to you.
  • Additionally, if you're attending college in an area subject to winter weather, you'll want to make sure that your vehicle is equipped with the necessary tools to handle snow and ice. This could include a snow brush, shovel, and even winter tires if necessary.


bringing a vehicle to college


If you're considering bringing an electric scooter to college, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind.

  • The first and most important consideration is whether electric scooters are allowed on campus: Some colleges and universities have restrictions or even bans on the use of electric scooters, so you should check your school's policies before making a purchase.
  • How you will use it: Assuming electric scooters are allowed, you should also consider how you plan to use them. Will you use it for short trips around campus, or do you plan to use it for long commutes? This will affect the range you need from your scooter.
  • Your budget: Your budget is another important consideration. Electric scooters can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, so it's important to find one that fits your budget while also meeting your needs.
  • Speed: Speed is another important factor. Most electric scooters have a top speed of around 15-20 mph, but some models can go faster. Make sure to choose a scooter with a speed that matches your needs.
  • Pneumatic tires or solid rubber tires: They are also an important consideration. Pneumatic tires offer a smoother ride but are more prone to punctures and require more maintenance. Solid rubber tires are more durable but can make for a bumpier ride
  • Scooter weight: scooter weight is also a factor to consider, especially if you plan to carry it upstairs or onto public transportation.
  • Height and weight: Finally, your height and weight will also affect the comfort and stability of the scooter, so make sure to choose a model that fits your body type.


bringing an electric scooter to college


Part 3. How to Keep Your Vehicle Safe on Campus

Keeping your vehicle safe is crucial, especially when attending college. With so many people and activities around, the risk of theft, damage, or accidents can increase. Therefore, it's important to take some precautions to protect your vehicle and yourself.

Here are some tips to keep your vehicle safe:

  • Lock your vehicle: Always lock your car or scooter when leaving it unattended, even if it's just for a few minutes. Use a steering wheel lock or an anti-theft device to make it more difficult for thieves to steal your vehicle.
  • Park in the right areas: Look for well-lit and secure parking spots, and avoid leaving your car or scooter in secluded or high-crime areas. Additionally, make sure to park in designated areas to avoid getting a ticket or being towed.
  • Take your valuable items away: Don't leave any valuable items or electronics in your car or scooter, as they can attract thieves. If you must store items in your vehicle, make sure to hide them from sight or lock them in the trunk.
  • Don't drink and drive: Never drink and drive, even if you think you're fine. Alcohol can impair your judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents or legal consequences. If you plan to drink, use a designated driver or a rideshare service to get back to your dorm safely.


Keep Your Vehicle Safe on Campus


Getting around a college campus requires careful consideration of various factors such as transportation options, safety measures, and campus regulations.

Whether you choose to ride an electric scooter or take public transportation, it is important to plan ahead and be aware of your surroundings.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you can navigate your college campus safely and efficiently. Remember to always prioritize your safety and the safety of others when getting around campus.